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9th English Unit 1 Supplementary: The Envious Neighbour Book Back Answers

9th English Unit 1 Supplementary: The Envious Neighbour Book Back Answers

9th Standard English Lesson 1 Unit 1 Supplementary: The Envious Neighbour Book Back Answers and Additional Question and answers Download pdf. 9th English Samacheer Kalvi Guide Book in Answers. 9th Standard All Subject Guide Tamil Medium and English Medium. 9th English Important Questions. Class 1 to 12th All Subject Guide.

9th English Unit 1 Book Back Answers



tit-bit (n.) a small piece of tasty food
wagged (n.) move or cause to move rapidly to and fro
covetous (adj.) having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else
withered (v.) become dry and shriveled
obliged (v.) make (someone) legally or morally bound to do something

A. Fill in the blanks with the new words from the glossary and use the words only once.

1. On seeing the old man, the dog ______ the tail.

Ans ; wagged

2. The neighbour was a_______ cruel and superstitious man.

Ans ; covetous

3. Grass had ______ in the fields.

Ans ; withered

4. Doctors are ______________ to take certain precautions.

Ans ; obliged

5. When you are out with your puppy always have a ______ in your pocket.

Ans ; lit-bit

B. Based on your understanding of the story choose the right answers from the given options

(i) The old farmer and his wife loved the dog

  1. because it helped them in their day-to-day work.
  2. as if it was their own baby.
  3. as they were kind to all living beings.

Ans ; as they were kind to all living beings.

(ii) When the old couple became rich, they

  1. gave the dog better food.
  2. invited their greedy neighbours to a feast.
  3. lived a comfortable life and were generous towards their poor neighbours.

Ans ; lived a comfortable life and were generous towards their poor neighbours.

(iii) The greedy couple borrowed the mortar to make

  1. rich pastry and bean sauce.
  2. magic ash to win rewards.
  3. a pile of gold.

Ans ; a pile of gold.

C. Refer to what happens in the folktale and complete the story with the help of the hints given in the mind map.

1) There lived an honest man with his wife, who had a favourite _______________ got a treasure.

Ans ; dog through which he

2) There dwelt a covetous and stingy old man and woman _______________

Ans ; in the neighbouring house

3) The wicked old couple seized the dog, and ___________________

Ans ; they killed him

4) They broke the mortar _______________

Ans ; and burnt it

5) They collected all the ashes that remained _______________

Ans ; and put them in a basket

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