7th English Guide Term 3 Lesson 2 Courage
TN 7th Standard English Book Back Answers Term 3 Lesson 2.2 Courage Solution
7th Standard English Guide Term 3 Lesson 2 Courage Book Back Question and answers download pdf. TN Samacheer kalvi guide. 7th Tamil Book Back Answers all Units. 7th English Guide Term 1, 2, 3 Prose, Poem, Supplementary Book in answers. 7th English Text Book pdf.
7th English Guide Term 3 – Lesson 2.2 Courage
Warm up
Happy / Joyous It is a happy situation. We always welcome these type of situations. But we should understand that the happy moments are not permanent. |
Serious / Gloomy It is a sad situation. We never like these situations. Though we do not like these situations, they help us to know the meaning of life. |
Painful / Agonizing It is a sore situation. In our life, we face many physical problems. We have to bear the pain. Accepting physical pains help us to face our mental pains. |
Triumph / Victorious It is a happy victorious situation. Everyone wants to win. Everyone like this situation. But we should be humble in this situation. |
Aggressive / Violent It is a happy hostile situation. We should not offend anyone. We should respect our fellowmen. |
instantaneous |
happening or done immediately (நடக்கிறது (அ) உடனடியாக செய்யப்படுகிறது |
flickered |
shone unsteadily (நிலையற்ற முறையில் பிராகாசித்தது) |
strive |
make great effort (பெரும் முயற்சி செய்யுங்கள்) |
ingrained |
firmly established and hard to change (உறுதியாக நிறுவப்பட்டது மற்றும் மாற்றுவது கடினம்) |
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Can courage be developed suddenly? Why?
- No, Courage cannot be developed suddenly. It can be developed from the depth of the heart.
2. When should we have courage?
- When we work for a goal, we should have courage
3. Give an example for dazzling light.\
- An example for dazzling sight is a lighting or comet or metreorites.
4. Can a courageous man be defeated? Why?
- No, a courageous man cannot be defeated. He is determined, mentally strong with hight will power
5. What is the ‘breath of life’?
- Courage is the breath of life.
6. What are the characteristics of a courageous man?
- Self-confidence, integrity, leadership qualities and compassion are the characteristics of a courageous man.
B. Read the following lines and answer the questions.
1. It isn’t an instantaneous thing
Born of despair with a sudden spring
- What does ‘it’ refer to?
It refers to “being courage
- What does ‘born of despair mean’?
“Born of despair” means hopelessness.
2. It’s a slow, unwavering, ingrained trait
With the patience to work and the strength to wait.
- What is an ‘ingrained trait’?
Deep seated courage within the self of a man is an “ingrained trait”
- Why does a courageous man need patience?
Courage is not built in a day, it is a slow and steady process of growth and development. So a courageous man need patience.
3. It’s part of his hours, his days and his years,
Back of his smiles and behind his tears.
- What does ‘tears’ mean?
“Tear” refers to hardwork / sorrow.
Literary Appreciation
Rhyme Scheme: A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line of a poem or song. It is usually referred to by using letters to indicate which lines rhyme; lines designated with the same letter rhyme with each other.
C. Work in pairs and answer the following.
1. Pick out the alliterated words.
Alliterated Words ;
- Daring – Deed
- Serve – Some
- Can – Call
- Thing – That
- Man – May – Meet
2. Pick out the rhyming words.
Rhyming Words :
dash – flash |
thing – spring |
hope – rope |
man – plan |
resort – sport |
call – fall |
not – hot |
goal – soul |
light – sight |
trait – wait |
blue – do |
show – go |
defeat – meet |
years – tears |
deed – creed |
3. Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.
Rhyme Scheme :