5th Social Science Guide Term 1 Lesson 3 Good Citizen
5th Social Science Solutions Term 1 Chapter 3 Good Citizen
5th Standard Social Science Book Back and Additional Question and answers Term 1 Lesson 3 Good Citizen Book in answers download pdf. 5th Social Science Samacheer kalvi guide English Medium Download answers. 5th All Subject Test Book download. 5th Tamil Medium Guide. Class 5 All Subject Book Back Answers.
5th Social Science Guide Good Citizen Text Book Back Questions and Answers
I. Fill in the blanks.
- Man is a ________.Answer: social animal
- The word civic means ________ of a nation. Answer: citizen
- The aim of education is to change a person into a ________.Answer: valuable person
- ________ is the basic value for every individual. Answer: Personal value
- Always be ________ in discharging duty. Answer: punctual
II. Match the following.
- (e)
- (a)
- (d)
- (c)
- (b)
5th Social Science Guide Term 1 Lesson 3 Good Citizen
III. Answer the following:
1. Define the term Citizen.
- The term citizen means an inhabitant of a particular country, enjoying various rights and executing his duties.
2. List out any five personal values.
- Being Honest
- Help others
- Love all living beings
- Always speak the truth
- Help Elders and poor.
3. Write a short note on cultural values.
- Becoming well mannered and cultured is an essence of society.
- Irrespective of language and religion people live together in harmony. This helps to maintain cultural values.
- We are all humans. We must live together as brothers and sisters.
4. What are the social values?
- Maintain good relations with people.
- Respect elders
- Respect nature
- Be tolerant
- Maintain friendship.
5. What are disciplinary values?
- Punctuality
- Involvement
- Treating everyone as equal
- Doing work on time
- Holding your morals.
IV. Answer in detail:
1. Write about the constitutional values.
The Constitutional values are,
- Safeguard the public properties
- Maintain the unity and integrity of the Nation
- Develop Scientific attitude
- Protect the natural resources
- Care for the environment
- Develop patriotism.
2. Write any five factors that enrich good values.
The factors that enriches good values are,
- Literacy
- Creating awareness and interests
- Trying hard till success
- One’s own evaluation
Try These:
- We show _____________ to all living beings.Answer:Love
- Help the poor with ____________.Answer:generosity
- ____________ is the best policy.Answer:Honesty
- The best relationship is ____________.Answer:friendship
- We show ____________ to our guests.Answer:hospitality
- We show ____________ to those who suffer.Answer:mercy
- Always speak the ____________.Answer:truth
- We must maintain ____________ in public.Answer:peace
Try These
- What is your mother tongue ? ____________Answer:Tamil
- ____________ is the best policy.Answer:Honesty
- Main food of North India is ____________.Answer:Wheat
- ____________ is the main food of south India.Answer:Rice
- How many languages do you know? ____________Answer:2
- Grow trees to get______________ .Answer: rainfall
- Millions benefit if they live ______________.Answer: peacefully
- United we ______________ divided we fall.Answer: stand
Circle the good values given above:

Match the Following:
5th Social Science Guide Good Citizen Additional Questions and Answers
I. Fill in the blanks.
- _____________ is the best policy.Answer:Honesty
- Good values ore classified into ____________ types.Answer:foul
- ___________ values ore love, generosity, mercy etc.,Answer:Personal
- ____________ values include indiscriminate society and various cultural features.Answer:Cultural
- ____________ is an important feature of social values.Answer:Mannerism
- To protect equality is the soul of ____________ value.Answer:disciplinary
II. Match the following:
- (d)
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
III. Answer the following Questions:
1. What are the five senses?
- Sight
- Hearing
- Smell
- Taste
- Touch
2. What are the types of Good values?
3. What are Personal values?
- Personal value is the basic value for every individual. We must bring out the hidden values of a person that they acquire from their experiences. This leads to their overall development.
4. What are the factors that affect our values?
There are some factors that effect our values :
- Extreme faith in religion leads to communalism.
- Don’t break the queue/rules.
- Spitting and dumping garbage anywhere.
- Polluting land and water.
IV. Answer the detail:
1. What are the steps we need to follow to stay healthy?
- Wakeup early in the morning
- Brush your teeth
- Have a bath
- Wear clean clothe
- Wear slippers/shoes
- Trim hair and cut the nails
- Wash hands before and after meals.