12th Computer Science Important Questions 2022
12th Computer Science Public Exam Important Questions – Reduced Syllabus 2022
12th Standard Computer Science Public Exam Model Question Paper. 12th All Subject Original Question Paper and answer key. 12th CS Free Online Test.
12th Computer Science Important 2 Marks & 3 Marks
- Define Subroutines
- Define Function with respect to Programming Language
- What is meant by Function Specification?
- Define Arguments or Parameters
- Define Recursive Function
- Write the inference you get from X:=(78).
- Define ADT or Define Abstract Data Types
- Differentiate Constructors and Selectors?
- Identify which of the following are constructors and selectors?
(a) N1=number() (b) accetnum(n1) (c) displaynum(n1) (d) eval(a/b)
(e) x,y= makeslope (m), makeslope(n) (f) display() - Define Scope
- Define Mapping
- Define Namespaces
- What is LEGB rule?
- Define Algorithm
- Who is an Algorist?
- What is meant by Algorithm Strategy?
- Define Algorithmic Solution
- State Algorithm vs Program
- What are the two different phases of an Algorithm?
- Define Algorithm Analysis
- Define Pseudo code.
- What is Sorting?
- What is Searching? Write its types.
- Define Selection Sort
- Write the Pseudo code for Selection Sort?
- Define Insertion Sort
- Write the Pseudo code for Insertion Sort?
- What are the Key Features of Python?
- What are the two types of Programming in Python?
- How to create Scripts in Python?
- How to save the Python Scripts?
- Define Control Structure or Control Statement
- What are the types of Control Structure?
- Define Sequential Statement
- Define Simple If Statement
- Write the Syntax with example for Simple – If?
- Define If – Else Statement
- Write the Syntax with example for If – Else?
- Write the alternate method for If – Else?
- What is Iteration Statements or Looping Statements?
- Write the Syntax for range ( ) function with example?
- Define Nested Loop Structure
- List the differences between break and continue statements?
- Write a note on Break Statement?
- What are Functions?
- What are the different types of Functions?
- What are the Advantages of Function?
- Write the Syntax for User – Defined Function?
- Define Block
- What is meant by Nested Block?
- What are the Advantages of User – Defined Function?
- How to pass the parameters in Functions?
- Define Parameters and Arguments
- What is Anonymous Function or Lambda Function?
- What is the use of Lambda or Anonymous Function?
- Write the Syntax with Example for Anonymous Function?
- Define Return Statement
- Write Program to access each character with its negative subscript of a giving string?
- Write the General format of replace( ) function with example?
- Write a Python Program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not?
- How do you modify a string in python?
- How will you delete a string in python?
- Define the following list functions: a) max() b) min() c) sum()
- Define Tuple
- What are the Advantages of Tuples over List?
- How to Create Tuples?
- Write the syntax to create Tuples for n number of elements?
- How to Create Tuples using tuple() function?
- Define Singleton Tuple
- How to access the values in the tuple?
- How to Update the Tuple? Give example?
- How to Delete the Tuple? Give example?
- Define Tuple Assignment
- Define Constructor in Python
- Define Destructor in Python
- Differentiate Private and Public Data Members?
- How will you create constructor in Python?
- Define Data
- Define Information
- Define Database
- Define DBMS
- What are the Advantages of DBMS?
- Define SQL
- How to Create Database?
- What are the Components of SQL?
- Define DDL
- What are the functions performed by DDL?
- What are the SQL Commands which comes under DDL?
- Define DML
- Define TCL
- What are the SQL Commands which comes under TCL?
- Define DQL
- Define SQL Commands and their functions?
- Differentiate Table and Column Constraint?
- Differentiate DELETE, TRUNCATE and DROP command?
- Define DISTINCT Keyword with SELECT Command
- Define ALL Keyword with SELECT Command
- Define CSV File
- State the difference between Excel and CSV file?
- What is the Purpose of CSV file?
- What are the ways to read a CSV File
- Mention the default modes of the File?
- What is use of next() function?
- Write the Syntax and explain csv.reader() method?
- How to create a CSV file with default delimiter comma?
- What is meant by dialect?
- How to create a CSV file with Custom Delimiters?
- What is the difference between Python and C++?
- Define Scripting Language
- Define Compiler and Interpreter
- What is the difference between Scripting and Programming Languages?
- What are the Applications of Scripting Language?
- Define Data Visualization
- What are the General Types of Data Visualization?
- What are the uses of Data Visualization?
- Define Scatter Plot
- Define Box Plot
- Define Line Chart
- Define Bar Chart
- Define Pie Chart
12th Computer Science Important 5 Marks
- What are called Parameters and write a note on
(i) Parameter without Type (ii) Parameter with Type - Identify in the following program
let rec gcd a b :=
if b <> 0 then gcd b (a mod b) else return a
i) Name of the function
ii) Identify the statement which tells it is a recursive function
iii) Name of the argument variable
iv) Statement which invoke the function recursively
v) Statement which terminates the recursion - How will you facilitate data abstraction? Explain it with a suitable example?
- Explain the types of Variable Scope or LEGB with Examples?
- Explain the Characteristics of an Algorithm?
- Discuss about Linear search algorithm.
- What is Binary search? Discuss with example.
- Explain the Bubble sort algorithm with example.
- Describe in detail the procedure Script mode programming.
- Explain input() and print() functions with examples.
- Discuss in detail about Tokens in Python
- Explain the While Loop with Example?
- Write a detail note on for loop
- Write a detail note on if..else..elif statement with suitable
- Explain the different types of function with an example.
- Explain the scope of variables with an example.
- Write a Python code to find the L.C.M. of two numbers?
- What the different ways to insert an element in a list. Explain with suitable example.
- What is the purpose of range( )? Explain with an example.
- What is nested tuple? Explain with an example.
- Explain the different set operations supported by python with suitable example?
- What are the Components of DBMS?
- Tabulate the different mode with its meaning.
- Write the different methods to read a File in Python.
- Write a Python program to write a CSV File with custom quotes.
- Write the rules to be followed to format the data in a CSV file.
- What is the purpose of sys,os,getopt module in Python?
- Write the syntax for getopt() and explain its arguments and return values?
- What are the commonly used interfaces for importing C++ program into Python?
- Define MinGW Interface
- How to execute C++ program through Python?
- What is the Syntax to execute the Python Program?
- Explain in detail the types of pyplots using Matplotlib.
- Explain the various buttons in a matplotlib window.
- Explain the purpose of the following functions:
a. plt.xlabel
b. plt.ylabel
c. plt.title
d. plt.legend()
e. plt.show()