12th Chemistry 1 Marks Organic nitrogen compounds:

12th Chemistry Important 1 Marks Metallurgy

12th Chemistry Important 1 Marks Metallurgy

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TN 12th Chemistry Important One Mark Questions Chapter 1 Metallurgy. 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 1. +2 Chemistry Important 2 Marks,  3 Marks, 5 Marks Questions Based on reduced Syllabus 2021-2022. 12th Free Online Test (MCQs). HSC 12th Chemistry Revision Test Important Questions. 12th Tamil Full Guide.

12th Chemistry Important 1 Marks Metallurgy

12th Chemistry Important 1 Marks Metallurgy

Chapter – 1. Metallurgy:

  • In the froth floatation process for the purification of ores the particles that because their surface is not easily wetted by water.
  • Oxides ores are concentrated by hydraulic washing.
  • Acid type of leaching process converts insoluble sulphide ore into soluble sulphates.
  • Depressing agents used to separate ZnS from PbS is NaCN
  • Metals having low melting points such as Sn, PB, Hg & Bi are refined by Liquation.
  • Ni, Cu, CO the following ores are undergoing Ammonia leaching process.
  • Ag2O, HgOoxides will decompose on heating even in the absence of a reducing agent.
  • Zn > Cu >Ag is the correct order of reactivity of metals.
  • Froth floatation process is applicable for Sulphide ores.
  • Tinstone, Chromite, & Pyrolusite are concentrated by Magnetic separation.
  • The process of Gold is reduced to its elemental state is called as Cementation
  • Leaching method is based on the solubility of the ore in a suitable splvent.
  • The process of ore into metal oxide with absence of air is called as Calcination
  • The process of heating of copper pyrites to remove sulphur is called Roasting
  • Semi-conductors are purified by method Zone refining
  • In a metallurgical process, an acid flux is used for removing basic gangue
  • Malachite has CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
  • Ignition mixture used in aluminothermic process is Mg + BaO2
  • Na[Ag(CN)2] is Sodium dicyano argentite
  • Magnetic separation it is based on the difference in the Magnetic properties of the ore and the impurities.
  • Zinc is extracted from zinc blende by Carbon reduction process
  • Zinc metal is used for extraction of Gold and Silver for galvanization of iron object.
  • Zone refining is based on the principle is fractional crystallization
  • Malachite is not a mineral of Aluminum
  • Galena(Pbs) & HgS will give respective metal by self-reduction.
  • In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore, the metal is finally obtained by Copper (I) sulphide (Cu2S
  • Dolomite mineral contain Calcium as well as Madnesium.
  • In the froth floatation process the collectors such as pine oil and Xanthates , etc, enhances Non – wettability of the mineral particles in water.
  • Concentration of copper glance is done by froth flotation
  • Rock salt is the halide ore.
  • In the metallurgy of iron, limestone is added to coke which act as a flux
  • Metal oxide is converted into metal by Smelting
  • In froth floatation sodium ethyl Xanthate is used as Collector
  • Leaching Process is a Redox reaction
  • The complex formed when Sodium cyanide is added to galena in which Zinc sulphide is the impurity is Na2[Zn(CN)4]
  • Zinc is not refined by liquation
  • Cr2O3 can be reduced by Aluminothermic process
  • Magnesite is Magnesium carbonate
  • Gangue + Flux → Slag
  • Van-Arkel method is based on the principle of thermal decomposition of metal.
  • Matte is the mixture of Cu2S & FeS
  • Blister copper contains 98%
  • Titanium & Zirconium can be purified by Van-Arkel method or vapor phasemethod.
  • During the roasting process Sulphur dioxide gas (SO2)is released.
  • During the Calcination process Carbon dioxide gas (CO2)is released.
  • Bauxite has composition Al2O3.nH2O
  • Wolframite ore is separated from tinstone by the process of Electromagnetic separation.
  • Flux is a substance which is used to convert infusible impurities to soluble impurities
  • Cyanide Process Extraction of Gold (Au).
  • Froth floatation process Dressing of ZnS
  • Electrolytic reduction Extraction of Aluminum (Al)
  • Zone refining Ultra pure Germanium (Ge)
  • In the electrolytic refining of copper, impure copper used as anode.
  • Stefinite has composition Ag3SbS4
  • Ni(s) + 4CO(g)    → (350K)  [Ni(CO)4](g) ,
  • [Ni(CO)4](g) → (460K)   Ni(s)     + 4CO(g)
  • Ti(s) + 2I2 (s) →(550K)/∆  TiI4 (vapor)
  • 5 TiI4(Vapor) →(1800K)/∆  Ti (s)   +  2I2(8)
  • Gibbs free energy change for the electrolysis process is given by the following expression ∆G0 = – nFE0
  • In modern metallurgical factories, SO2 by product is trapped and convertedinto Sulphuric acid to avoid air pollution.


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